Dryopteris filix-mas (Male Fern)

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Aspidium Filix Mas (Male Fern) Male Fern has a large, perennial, tufted, scaly rhizome, sending forth yearly several leaves, three or four feet high, erect, oval, lanceolate, acute, pinnate, bright green, and leafy nearly to the bottom; their stalks and midribs having tough, brown, and transparent scales throughout.  Leaflets numerous, crowded, oblong, obtuse, and crenate throughout.

  • English
  • Male fern
    Male wood fern
    Male woodfern
    Common woodfern
    Male shield fern

  • Chinese
  • 欧洲鳞毛蕨  (Chinese)

  • Dutch
  • Mannetjesvaren

  • Danish
  • Almindelig mangeløv

  • Finnish
  • Kivikkoalvejuuri

  • French
  • Dryoptère fougère-mâle
    Dryoptère fougère-m‚le
    Dryoptéris fougère mâle
    Fougère mâle
    male fern
    Dryoptéride fougère-mâle

  • German
  • Gemeiner Wurmfarn
    Gewöhnlicher Wurmfarn

  • Icelandic
  • Stóriburkni

  • Italian
  • Felce maschio

  • Norwegian
  • Ormetelg

  • Swedish
  • Träjon

  • Spanish
  • Helecho macho


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