Polygonatum Multiflorum (Solomon’s Seal)
The stem of this plant is smooth from one to four feet high, and growing…
The stem of this plant is smooth from one to four feet high, and growing…
This is a stout perennial, herbaceous plant, with a stem from one to two feet…
This plant has been a troublesome one for botanists to classify; but the term Symplocarpus…
This indigenous plant has a perennial, firm, hard, branching root, with a thick bark, and…
Scull-cap has a small, fibrous, yellow, perennial root, with an erect and very branching stem,…
This annual plant has a branching, bushy stem, about eighteen inches in height, woody at…
This is a small tree, varying in height from ten to forty feet. The bark…
The stem of this plant is twining, angular, and prickly, the young shoots being unarmed. …
Sanicle is an indigenous, perennial herb, with a smooth, furrowed stem, from one to three…
This is a beautiful shrub, and is a great ornament to our meadows. It has…